Valley living

I understand that life ebbs and flows, peaks and plummets, swings and settles. 

I understand it more than some, but not as much as others. 

I believe I am a strong woman with the sense to know that God loves me and ALWAYS takes care of me. 

How do I know this? Because I have proof of his saving grace in the faces of my three beautiful girls. Proof in the before and after picture of my life. Before I trusted Him fully to take the reigns, or maybe its the wheel. Then the beautiful after. 

But somedays the beautiful after does not feel beautiful. The valley living we are guaranteed to experience can really turn us inside out. We wallow in self pity. We cry out that we deserve better and want to share with the world how unfair life can be. We get angry at God for not fixing things faster, better and permanently. 

Remember that the valleys are where we grow closer to him, and that is our ultimate goal is it not?

I think the days I feel overwhelmed are the days I realize that I took the wheel back from Him and my God GPS is telling me I’m  taking wrong turns and yet my rebellion tells me my way is better. For those of you struggling with anxiety or fear just try to remember this:

It is not. 

It never will be. 

I surrender, again, to my heavenly Father. 

He is my provider. Jehovah Jireh. 

In that I will rest.